Running nfcore pipelines on Tufts HPC#
Shirley Li, Bioinformatician, TTS Research Technology
Date: 2024-11-01
You have two options for running the nf-core pipeline on Tufts HPC: through Open OnDemand or the command-line interface.
1. Open Ondemand#
Navigate to Open Ondemand, under Bioinformatics Apps
, choose the appropriate application for the pipeline you wish to execute.
2. Linux Command Line Interface#
By using module avail
, you can see the available modules. There are two ways to run the nf-core pipeline via the command-line interface:
Option 1#
Load the necessary modules
module load singularity/3.8.4
module load nf-core/2.13.1
Run the pipeline with this command:
nextflow run nf-core/mag -profile tufts ...
For a comprehensive list of available pipelines, visit the nf-core website. There are currently 107 pipelines available through nf-core.
Option 2#
Load singularity module and the specific pipeline module:
module load singularity/3.8.4
module load nf-core-mag/2.5.4
Execute the pipeline using:
mag ...
Currently, 31 pipelines have been deployed as modules on Tufts HPC for ease of use.